Soldiers of the Savior Ministry

We teach Yahuah's message of truth, mercy and love, while helping the less fortunate.

Soldiers of the Savior Ministry

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 GNV

teaching the message of truth and salvation

offering counsel

providing assistance for those in need

Welcome to Soldiers of the Savior!

This is a fast-paced world, with harsh living conditions, and meager wages for a majority of the population. There is violence in the streets, outrageous prices for rent, groceries, and gas. There are many single-parent families, struggling to make ends meet. There are homeless, some huddled in boxes up and down the cities’ dirty alleys. There are children sleeping on dirt floors who consider themselves blessed to have a single bowl of food a day. There are famine-stricken lands where people are dying from dehydration and starvation due to water shortage and the inability to farm. There are homes reduced to ashes, orphanages struggling to care for children who have lost so much more than just the parents, women and children being abused, teachers teaching blasphemy and filth to young children, false prophets spreading deception, corrupt officials in charge of delivering justice… Sadly, the list goes on and on, however, there is one source of positivity, peace, and joy. There IS a light in the darkness, a torch burning bright, pushing back the shadows, and lighting our way! He is our Messiah, who came to earth, for the sole purpose of dying for OUR sins! Yahusha HaMashiach has so much compassion, mercy, and love for us, that he made the ultimate sacrifice to give us the choice and the opportunity to accept him as our Savior and have everlasting life. For the Soldiers of the Savior Ministry, we have made that choice abundantly clear, and seek to share it with as many others as possible. We are in the beginning stages of an outreach program, collecting non-monetary donations, and have aspirations of building a non-profit, here in the U.S. that will have branches in 3 other countries. Join our growing family, watch the Father at work, as we provide much needed services for those in need. Yahuah loves you!! And so do we!


Bible Studies

Inspirational, Devotions


Join Community




Donations, Youth Program

Matthew 25:35-40

It only takes one to cause a ripple, which in turn, can cause a wave.

It doesn’t take a lot of money or fancy possessions to change someone’s outlook, sometimes all it takes is time and effort, lending an ear, a helping hand or just a kind smile or a warm hug.


Bible Studies, Daily verses, Devotionals

We all need a little inspiration sometimes. Of course, Yahuah should be the source for this, so what better way than through Scripture?! And what can be more inspiring than knowing that Yahusha HaMashich willingly died on a tree to take our sins upon himself? This story and so many more await those who are eager to hear of the kindness, compassion, charity, love, and so much more within the pages of Bible, and brought to you when you need it most!


Books, Movies, Music, & Documentaries


Psalm 127:3-5, “Behold, children are the inheritance of Yahuah, and the fruit of the womb his reward…”

Our children are a gift from Yahuah, and it is our responsibility to ensure that our children grow and learn, that they are healthy and educated, not only physically, but mentally and spiritually. What they are taught when they are young will stick with them for their whole lives.

Politics, Natural Disasters, Theologies, Prophetic Views, etc. from a believer’s POV.


Facts and the truth about the things that have been twisted, removed, and even hidden!